In order to ascertain that a person is not spoofing the facial recognition system, liveness detection technology is leveraged. 

Liveness detection is a framework used along with facial biometrics with the ability to detect if the person being shown in the facial recognition system is actually a real person and not a fake or artificial bot. In short, liveness detection is needed as an extra layer of security check to make sure a real person is performing the identity verification process and fraud is not being committed. A fake person (aka bad actor) could use a photo, or video of a real person during the face recognition process to get unauthorized access to all the important data of the actual account holder. Such fraudsters could do unethical use or changes to that critical data and accounts by attacking the facial recognition algorithm. 

To prevent these kinds of spoofing attacks, AZYO developed a highly advanced liveness detection technology. It can detect whether a person performing or undergoing the identity verification process is fake or real (bot or a human being). 

AZYO leverages active as well as passive liveness detection technology. Active liveness detection refers to methods where the user performs an action, such as blinking, making facial movements like a happy or a sad face, which makes it really difficult and time-consuming for the user to spoof the system. Passive liveness detection uses internal algorithms to detect spoofs and requires nothing from the user. 

Passive liveness detection technology runs as a background job without users even realizing that it’s occurring, aka “security through obscurity”. The goal of passive liveness detection is to detect attributes of presentation attacks such as edges, texture, and depth to precisely differentiate a live human face from a lifeless or spoofed face.

AZYO’s Liveness Detection: For Onboarding, eKYC, Enrollment, Banking Transactions

Requiring every new user to prove their Liveness as soon as they’re asked to present an identity document during digital onboarding is itself a huge deterrent to fraudsters who don’t want their real face on camera.


If the onboarding system has a weakness and loopholes, the bad guys will exploit it to create as many fake accounts as possible. To prevent this, AZYO’s Certified Liveness Detection during new account onboarding should be incorporated. Once AZYO understands that the new account belongs to a real human, their biometric data can be stored as a trusted reference of their digital identity in the future.

Most biometric attacks are spoof attempts, AZYO’s Certified Liveness Detection during user authentication should be mandatory. With tremendous high-quality photos of almost everyone available online, a simple biometric authenticator cannot rely on secrecy for security. AZYO’s Liveness Detection is the first and most important line of defense against targeted spoof attacks on authentication systems. With AZYO’s Certified Liveness Detection, users can’t even make a copy of their biometric data that would fool the system even if they wanted to.