Know Your Patient!

The healthcare industry is rapidly adapting to new innovations. Information Technology is assisting in the delivery of improved healthcare services throughout the world. The increased usage of technology can be seen in every department and aspect of healthcare institutions. Moreover, just because of massive and continuous innovations in technology, patients are having better and improvised…

Helping the steel industry with eKYC!

The companies which are primarily engaged in the production of steel products from a variety of ferrous raw materials, ores, pellets, recycled iron, and more, fall under the head of the steel industry. The modern steel industry has a long history and it has become a vital part of the world’s industrial economy with gradual…

Know Your Customer (KYC) – Banking

The world is rapidly getting digitized while influencing all the industrial sectors. Advance technology and new customer behavior are revolutionizing the functioning and services of financial institutions as well. Nonetheless, the risks that banking sectors face are never-ending. In order to provide customers a reputable service of remote onboarding and know your customer services, a…


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