Every industry is going through digital transformation post-COVID-19. Whether it’s banking, fashion, telecommunication, pharmacy, railway, education, or likewise. All the industries are looking for better ways to serve their customers while adapting to progressive technological advancements. Technology is not only enabling businesses to have a better online reach, but it’s also helping the overall economy to grow in these tough times. It’s true that every coin has 2 faces or in other words, everything has a pro and a con. Basically, every industry which is moving to a cloud-based system is prone to cyber-attacks/cybercrime.

The RAILWAY sector has a higher vulnerability to cyber threats and has witnessed incidents that prove the same. Cyber crimes in railways involve a threat to secure data systems, the identity of passengers, and also the railway infrastructure. Railways play a vital role in the economy of a country, thus taking appropriate cybersecurity measures to prevent any potential threats to the passengers and the industry as a whole should be of utmost priority, plus it also helps to maintain the reputation. Some of the most common cyber-attacks in the railway sector are related to identity theft, data breaches, and loss of control systems to hackers.

Railway servers store confidential information which is shared and exchanged on a wide network, it has a vast customer base varying from “infants and children” to “adults and senior citizens”. As train ticket bookings are becoming more digitized, opportunities for cyber attacks are on the rise. Bookings can be done via stolen credit card information, bad users can easily impersonate someone’s information, or while traveling, a random person can use somebody’s booked seat. 

So, in order to make sure that the customers are really who they actually say they are, and to prevent any cyber attacks from happening while maintaining the proper authenticity and integrity of the business, there’s a need to have an automated identity verification solution! 

Moreover, while undergoing a train journey, individuals are mostly asked to show their tickets. No identity or document verification is done prior to their onboarding, so there’s no guarantee or know-how of who the actual passenger is! In order to ensure safer travel, maintain a good reputation, prevent hackers from bypassing the railway system loopholes, stop bad people from traveling, and to help customers in case of any emergencies, railways should implement a centralized and reliable solution to verify people automatically, effortlessly and in real-time. 

AZYO is here to solve these problems 🙂

Being a market leader in Automated ID Verification, AZYO has developed an outstanding solution with the fusion of Optical Character Recognition, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Blockchain & Facial Biometrics to verify anyone, anywhere, and anytime!!

With combined efforts of cybersecurity expertise, technical skills, and data analytics experience, AZYO came up with the #1 Rated Automated ID Verification Solution!