How secure is your eVoting?
Voting is one of the crucial and challenging rights that the citizens of a country possess. In some countries, people still have to fight for their right to democracy. Over the years, different ways of voting have been adopted apart from the physical system. Electronic voting, aka e-voting, has also...
Who is joining your social media platform?
Are you even aware? More than 50% people worldwide use social media now. Social media has witnessed explosive growth over the past decade. According to news, the use of social media by adults in the United States has risen from 5% in 2005 to 79% in 2019. Globally as well,...
Is Your Gold Mine Safe?
The latest list of countries shows China as the leading country by gold production as of 2018 with 404 tonnes of production. Australia, Russia, and the U.S are some other major leaders in gold production with 319, 297, and 222 tonnes of production respectively in 2018 itself. However, no country...
Do you really know who’s working in your company?
Human minds are very creative and they tend to make surprising innovations in different forms like designs, art, symbols, chemical formulas, names, and many more. These unique creations are what is called Intellectual Property. Intellectual assets are different from tangible assets like buildings, cars, the property as they are not...
Wait, What! Identity Theft Threat From Copiers?
Photocopiers aka copiers are common to every individual, government, business, healthcare, and every other industry out there. It is required every day in every region to make copies of important documents and papers which is done in seconds at a very minimal price. Chester Carlson first got the idea of...
- Advanced Liveness Detection (1)
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Abuse Alcohol AML bad guys Bully CDD Child Labor CNP Copiers Copy Documents E-commerce eKYC Equipment eVoting Fake Fake Accounts fraud Gold Mines Guests healthcare hotels ID identity theft ID Theft ID Verification Intellectual Property IP KYC Machinery Onboarding Online Check-In Pages Plant Railway Remote Onboarding Rental Scam Secure Social Media Stop Child Labor Theft Underage Vacation Rental Verification