In the 21st century, the cruise industry has definitely gone through some drastic changes. From the earlier times of overseas transportations and tropical vacations simply accessible by the elite class of the society to now its availability at affordable prices by an average citizen. Thereby, making the world-class cruising dream possible for millions of people so they can have the best time of the year in complete leisure away from their real-life stress.

Estimates by the Cruise Lines International Association show over 30 million people took cruises last year (2019). However, it’s safe to say that going forward these figures will definitely not remain the same. A get-away with thousands of people traveling together for a few days/weeks seems far from reality post contagious outbreak of the highly infectious virus (Covid-19). Moreover, the cruise industry is going to have a big transformation,  right from incorporating various health check-ins, and sanitization at every possible entry to maintain and keep the ship safe.

Also, in order to have a high level of security, the most important thing for cruise ships is to know their passengers before onboarding (now possible with eKYC).

With thousands of people traveling on a cruise at a single time which includes kids, women, and senior citizens, it becomes the utmost duty and responsibility of cruise companies to make sure that their customers feel safe and secure all the time. The world is not free from bad guys who keep on finding other ways to hurt innocent people for their own agenda. There can be bad people disguised as legitimate customers traveling on the cruise with a criminal history, or with intentions of hijacking the ship or even making some arrangements for the ship to sink. Also, it is possible to have a black mole in the crew, technicians, and staff members themselves. Therefore, it becomes a high priority for the cruising companies to maintain a complete record of personal information with facial biometrics of each and every person on boarding the ship

AZYO – Market leader in Automated Identity Verification is here to solve this complex problem and deliver a seamless experience with id verification. At AZYO, we amalgamated the power of Convolutional Deep Neural Networks, Powerful Graphical Processing Units, Artificial Intelligence, Facial Biometrics, Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms, Blockchain, Real OCR & Certified Liveness Detection to help businesses rapidly convert more customers, stop fraudsters from infiltrating the ecosystem and get in compliance.