- March 22, 2021
- azyo
- eVoting
Every vote counts! The importance of voting should be realized by each and every citizen across all the democratic societies in the world. It is the most prestigious right a citizen could have since it allows them to have a say on various issues just by casting a vote. They get to have complete privacy while expressing their choice of leader. Though, modern-day democracies are confronted with the task of making the voting cycle easy yet secure right from top-notch id verification to finally the casting of votes, which is now possible with the assistance of technology.
Voting challenges have seen a sudden spark after the contagious outbreak of the highly infectious virus Covid-19. The pandemic has made one thing clear that the existing ways to cast a vote can no longer be entertained. It has shown the urgency to shift from traditional to online voting systems (aka eVoting). It imposes challenges not just for the citizens but even for the governments since paper ballots and rusty machines tend to cost more both in time and money.
Even before the coronavirus pandemic, taking out time in such a busy life by standing long lines just to cast a vote was not practical. Traveling distances to reach the assigned locations especially in rural areas is considered a big task. Moreover, there are a lot of people who fail to enjoy their right to vote because of their jobs, busy lifestyle, and other family commitments. Plus, the manual process of casting votes takes a whole day which people cannot afford to lose.
Voting is a fundamental right for every citizen of a country from the age of 18. Even though physical voting becomes non-accessible for aged citizens and for the citizens living outside their home country. With e-voting, all these issues can be solved and people can have the comfort of casting their votes remotely. All in all, e-voting has the power to shoot up the number of voters drastically and at the same time making it a hassle-free process.
It’s also true that establishing e-voting is not easy. It will have its own challenges just like there are flaws in the traditional system. No doubt there are chances for the systems to be hacked by the bad guys. Ensuring one person, one vote becomes another challenge. Registration procedures should be accurate and easy while at the same time ensuring proper id verification and secrecy of casting votes. ID verification is highly important for ensuring the citizenship of a person to comply with the laid laws and regulations efficiently. Therefore, to make the dream of e-voting a success, it is important to have a smooth user-friendly system to identify + verify the voters and to prevent any fraud or data breaches.
Now, with AZYO in the market, e-voting is 100% possible. This phenomenal solution has answers to all the challenges. We have the most advanced identity verification solution which is fully automated and highly secured.
AZYO amalgamated the power of Convolutional Deep Neural Networks, Powerful Graphical Processing Units, Artificial Intelligence, Facial Biometrics, Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms, OCR, Blockchain & Certified Liveness Detection to verify anyone, anytime and anywhere while kicking out the bad guys from infiltrating the online ecosystem.
- Advanced Liveness Detection (1)
- Blockchain (1)
- Fraud Prevention (1)
- ID Verification (56)
- Airline Industry (2)
- Alcohol & Tobacco (2)
- Anti Money Laundering (1)
- Automotive Industry (1)
- Banking (2)
- Car Rental (2)
- CDD (1)
- Child Labor (1)
- CNP (Card Not Present) (1)
- Copiers (1)
- Cruise Ships (1)
- Cryptocurrency (1)
- Dating Apps (1)
- E-commerce (1)
- eKYC (1)
- epharmacys (1)
- eVoting (2)
- Film Industry (1)
- Fintech (1)
- Food Delivery (1)
- Gambling Platform (1)
- Ghost Workers (1)
- Gold Mines (1)
- Hotels (3)
- Intellectual Property (1)
- Know Your Patient (1)
- KYC! Know Your Customer (1)
- Medical Identity Theft (1)
- Military (1)
- Mobile Network Operator (1)
- Movie Theatre (1)
- Oil & Gas (1)
- Onboard Students (2)
- Onboarding & Hiring (1)
- Plant, Machinery, and Equipment Rental (1)
- Play School (1)
- Queue Buster (1)
- Railway (2)
- Ride Sharing Apps (1)
- Social Media Platforms (3)
- Steel Industry (1)
- Underage Drinking (1)
- Unemployment Benefits (1)
- Vacation Rental (1)
- Real OCR (1)
- This is what every organization really needs (1)
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