The companies which are primarily engaged in the production of steel products from a variety of ferrous raw materials, ores, pellets, recycled iron, and more, fall under the head of the steel industry. The modern steel industry has a long history and it has become a vital part of the world’s industrial economy with gradual advancements since the middle 1800. Steel-making was highly expensive before 1860 and was confined to making only small and valuable products like knives and swords. Only with the help of technological advancements and innovations, production of cheap steel is achievable. It was the bessemer and the open hearth processes that made the production of steel easy and inexpensive by blowing air through the molten pig iron after taking it out from the furnace back in the 1860s. Since then, the steel industry has gone through tremendous growth escalating the global economy. Traditionally, the impact of an industry is measured in the terms of its contribution to GDP and the number of employment opportunities created by the industry. The steel industry proves to be the heart of the global economy with 96 million jobs and $2.9 trillion in value added globally. Well, with such high worth of the industry, it becomes important to keep it secure and away from the bad guys reach. 

All the automation taking place to make the heavy tasks of production easier and smarter exposes the steel industry to a lot of vulnerabilities. It poses serious threats of external interference by hackers. All the technological innovations are also helping hackers to exploit digital systems. Rapid advancements in digital technology have introduced new challenges around data security. The computer records contain a humongous amount of valuable information, including the employees’ personal identifiable information (PII) which is obtained while on-boarding them. ID verification before on-boarding the new employees is highly crucial for various reasons, and therefore it shouldn’t be compromised.

With AZYO in the market, the steel industry can easily achieve both, a thorough and a full proof id verification of employees plus the topmost security of their personal identifiable information. AZYO’s outstanding solution makes the process completely automated which saves a lot of time and energy, especially for the steel industry that employs thousands of workers. AZYO amalgamated the power of Real Optical Character Recognition, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Blockchain & Facial Biometrics to verify anyone, anywhere, and anytime!

Moreover, AZYO leverages Blockchain which is one of the most secure data protection technologies. The level of security offered by a distributed ledger system offers benefits to establishing a secure data network. AZYO has implemented strong authentication and cryptography key vaulting mechanisms to secure critical data.