- March 25, 2021
- azyo
- Alcohol & Tobacco
With everything becoming digitized, the alcohol and tobacco industry has also come on the same page. From selling cigarettes, alcohol, and tobacco through retail stores and bars, they have also surfaced with selling e-cigarettes, alcohol, and tobacco through an online medium. The age limit for the purchase of such materials set by the government is 21 years, however, the exploitation of such services only seems to increase day by day, both online and offline.
Alcohol consumption by underage drinkers, smoking tobacco and cigarettes, gaining access into bars via false identification seems to have been growing persistently, especially in the US. Sale of alcohol, tobacco, entry into clubs and bars to underage teenagers are permitted due to false identification. Just an age identification to get entry into bars or sale of alcohol is not enough as these can be easily photoshopped or edited as per convenience. No proper scanning of such documents is done at most of the places due to which there is so much exploitation. Stores have also started selling alcohol and tobacco online with no legitimate identity verification of customers.
Hence, in order to reduce underage alcohol/tobacco sales and consumption, heavier measures of identity verification are required. And what better way is there to do that other than leveraging the most advanced identity verification solution like AZYO!
With the amalgamation of Convolutional Deep Neural Networks, Powerful Graphical Processing Units, Artificial Intelligence, Facial Biometrics, Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms, Blockchain & Certified Liveness Detection, AZYO will not only help online stores but also bars and retail stores selling alcohol and tobacco to verify their customers’ identities.
With the help of AZYO’s Automated Identity Verification services and with the highest accuracy, underage teenagers can be identified, and age-appropriate customers can purchase the products/services.
While keeping customer’s confidential data secure with phenomenal technologies like Blockchain, AZYO guarantees bar owners and stores a highly efficient and cost-effective approach to online identity verification. Customers will not have to carry hard copies with an added advantage to owners of stores and bars that neither can an identity be faked nor can the system be hacked easily under AZYO’s solution. The problem of alcohol and drug abuse among youth below the legal age is growing at a rapid pace, therefore, ID verification should be considered as one of the primary solutions to obey government rules and in turn, gain a good reputation.
- Advanced Liveness Detection (1)
- Blockchain (1)
- Fraud Prevention (1)
- ID Verification (56)
- Airline Industry (2)
- Alcohol & Tobacco (2)
- Anti Money Laundering (1)
- Automotive Industry (1)
- Banking (2)
- Car Rental (2)
- CDD (1)
- Child Labor (1)
- CNP (Card Not Present) (1)
- Copiers (1)
- Cruise Ships (1)
- Cryptocurrency (1)
- Dating Apps (1)
- E-commerce (1)
- eKYC (1)
- epharmacys (1)
- eVoting (2)
- Film Industry (1)
- Fintech (1)
- Food Delivery (1)
- Gambling Platform (1)
- Ghost Workers (1)
- Gold Mines (1)
- Hotels (3)
- Intellectual Property (1)
- Know Your Patient (1)
- KYC! Know Your Customer (1)
- Medical Identity Theft (1)
- Military (1)
- Mobile Network Operator (1)
- Movie Theatre (1)
- Oil & Gas (1)
- Onboard Students (2)
- Onboarding & Hiring (1)
- Plant, Machinery, and Equipment Rental (1)
- Play School (1)
- Queue Buster (1)
- Railway (2)
- Ride Sharing Apps (1)
- Social Media Platforms (3)
- Steel Industry (1)
- Underage Drinking (1)
- Unemployment Benefits (1)
- Vacation Rental (1)
- Real OCR (1)
- This is what every organization really needs (1)
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