Helping the steel industry with eKYC!

The companies which are primarily engaged in the production of steel products from a variety of ferrous raw materials, ores, pellets, recycled iron, and more, fall under the head of the steel industry. The modern steel industry has a long history and it has become a vital part of the world’s industrial economy with gradual…

Easily Prevent CNP (Card Not Present) Fraud!

The technology-driven market is enormously simplifying the functioning of business operations all across the globe. Customers are having hassle-free experiences, thanks to the helping hand of technology. Many industries have gained from the adoption of various technological enhancements, retail is one of them. The retail industry got a great advantage with the emergence and growth…

Do you really know who’s working in your company?

Human minds are very creative and they tend to make surprising innovations in different forms like designs, art, symbols, chemical formulas, names, and many more. These unique creations are what is called Intellectual Property. Intellectual assets are different from tangible assets like buildings, cars, the property as they are not tangible but are created from…

eVoting Is Possible!

Every vote counts! The importance of voting should be realized by each and every citizen across all the democratic societies in the world. It is the most prestigious right a citizen could have since it allows them to have a say on various issues just by casting a vote. They get to have complete privacy…

Learn how healthcare institutions can prevent medical identity theft!

Learn how healthcare institutions can prevent medical identity theft!     With innovation and continuous advancement in technology, massive growth and development is taking place in every industry across the globe. Similarly, the healthcare industry, which plays an important role for the human race has gone through some major technological advancements in the last couple…

Gambling platforms are subject to fraud! Learn how you can prevent bad guys from the platform while giving a phenomenal experience to genuine users $

People are living under stress during this lockdown period and especially when they can’t go to the restaurants, movie theatres, parks and other public places in order to relax and enjoy. It’s been hard to find positivity in these difficult and stressful situations. We’ve been trying to make gradual progress with these strict decisions which…


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