- April 3, 2021
- azyo
- Hotels
The year 2020 was stressful in every possible way one could think of. Millions of people lost their loved ones, the whole world was under lockdown, economies of several countries declined as the production in every sector and industry came to halt with people staying at home. Almost every small to large enterprise, partnership, and local businesses incurred huge losses. The tourism industry hit rock bottom literally as people were even restricted from traveling domestically. Due to such firm travel restrictions imposed by different governments, the hotel industry turned upside down globally. As per certain estimates, the hotel industry is believed to have lost a whopping amount of 90,000 crores due to the unfortunate hit of Covid-19. Although, the Post-Covid-19 scenario will be good or even better for the hotel business as people will want to get out of their four walls and travel more than ever before. Well, this can only be achieved if certain improvisations are implemented by taking care of the guests in an exceptional way. To make a strong comeback, it is important for the hotels to rebuild the trust of travelers by providing a safer stay with proper care, sanitization, and hygiene.
Technological advancements have touched every industry and sector worldwide. It is a fact that businesses and people are gradually adapting to the digital world. Moreover, the impact of Covid-19 worldwide has forced a speedy change from offline to online mode. Every other task that was done in a manual way is getting automated in a literal sense, requiring much less effort and energy. For instance, e-commerce, e-rides, online lectures, and activities have gained much growth lately and all of these are being vastly carried out in a digital space. Hotels are stepping up with various technological adaptations like online booking and reservations. Making such online reservations is no doubt frictionless and effortless, however; hoteliers are somewhat lacking in providing a true experience after that.
To kick start the post Covid landscape, it is crucial for the hoteliers to deliver a hassle-free experience right from making reservations to check-out. Even though making reservations at most of the hotels has become an easy process, hoteliers are lacking the expertise to make sure that reservations are made by actual and legitimate people. As of now, there is no sort of ID verification taking place while booking a room/villa online, which is a serious threat to hotel businesses. These days, KYC is becoming imperative for every business and organization, it is of utmost responsibility for the hotel industry to take this seriously. It is really important to know the potential guests as soon as they book any reservation. This helps in preventing any chaotic scenes when such guests arrive at the respective hotels. Full proof online ID verification of guests saves time, energy, and long check-in lines at reception desks.
With AZYO’s automated ID verification solution, hoteliers can easily verify their potential guests remotely and kick out the bad guys! With the power of Convolutional Deep Neural Networks, Powerful Graphical Processing Units, Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms, AI-Driven Automation, Real Optical Character Recognition, Blockchain, Facial Recognition & Liveness Detection, AZYO is consistently evolving to verify identities and prevent fraudsters.
- Advanced Liveness Detection (1)
- Blockchain (1)
- Fraud Prevention (1)
- ID Verification (56)
- Airline Industry (2)
- Alcohol & Tobacco (2)
- Anti Money Laundering (1)
- Automotive Industry (1)
- Banking (2)
- Car Rental (2)
- CDD (1)
- Child Labor (1)
- CNP (Card Not Present) (1)
- Copiers (1)
- Cruise Ships (1)
- Cryptocurrency (1)
- Dating Apps (1)
- E-commerce (1)
- eKYC (1)
- epharmacys (1)
- eVoting (2)
- Film Industry (1)
- Fintech (1)
- Food Delivery (1)
- Gambling Platform (1)
- Ghost Workers (1)
- Gold Mines (1)
- Hotels (3)
- Intellectual Property (1)
- Know Your Patient (1)
- KYC! Know Your Customer (1)
- Medical Identity Theft (1)
- Military (1)
- Mobile Network Operator (1)
- Movie Theatre (1)
- Oil & Gas (1)
- Onboard Students (2)
- Onboarding & Hiring (1)
- Plant, Machinery, and Equipment Rental (1)
- Play School (1)
- Queue Buster (1)
- Railway (2)
- Ride Sharing Apps (1)
- Social Media Platforms (3)
- Steel Industry (1)
- Underage Drinking (1)
- Unemployment Benefits (1)
- Vacation Rental (1)
- Real OCR (1)
- This is what every organization really needs (1)
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